Bombing Survivor & Inspiration


Emily Lyons is a remarkable woman whose life stands as a testament to courage, resilience, and unwavering dedication to women’s rights. As a survivor of the 1998 bombing at the New Woman All Women Healthcare Clinic in Birmingham, Alabama, Emily endured severe injuries and a grueling recovery process that included 54 surgeries. Yet, rather than being silenced by this act of violence, Emily emerged as a powerful voice for justice and equality.

Her experience has fueled her commitment to advocating for the rights of women, particularly those working in or seeking reproductive healthcare. Emily’s story is not just about surviving a devastating attack—it’s about standing tall in the face of adversity and using her voice to fight for the safety, dignity, and rights of women everywhere.

Through public speaking, writing, and activism, Emily has inspired countless women to stand up for themselves and others, to demand better, and to never back down in the face of threats or violence. Her journey from victim to advocate underscores the importance of resilience and the power of one woman’s determination to make a difference.

Emily Lyons continues to be a beacon of hope and a symbol of strength for women who champion the rights of others, proving that even in the darkest moments, there is the potential to inspire change and foster a better, more just world.



 End of High School

Emily’s nursing graduation

1992 picture before the bomb

Wedding pic of Emily

Wedding pic of Emily and Jeff

X-Ray of nails in left knee

X-Ray of leg

Surgery of her right eye Pressing on eye with Q-Tip

Surgery of her right eye
Removal of metal with 1mm tools